Dear Residents,We have significant news regarding the old school site in our village. As many of you know, after the closure of our village school in 2015, Powys County Council initially rejected our 'Expression of Interest' and sold the site to Housing for £150,000. Despite our protests and a petition signed by 235 residents, Housing announced plans to develop the site.Our village has already seen a 30% increase in housing stock, and the school grounds were our only community greenspace, accessible to residents since 1965. We highlighted that the site was originally sold to the council at a low price by the Jones family of Llanthomas Farm, just before the deadline for government grants to build new schools expired.Despite our appeals on moral grounds and the wellbeing of the community, and even though the site was listed as a community asset by Powys, our efforts seemed to fall on deaf ears. However, in a surprising turn of events, Housing decided not to develop the site.We resubmitted our Expression of Interest, and this time, it was accepted. Powys Council has agreed to transfer the asset to Llanigon Community Council. However, we must repay the £150,000 that Housing paid for it. While we have ethical concerns about this condition, it is the deal on the table. We want to discuss with you the options available to us, such as crowd funding, community donations and a government loan which would be repaid via the Llanigon Community Council Precept.If no action is taken the site will be lost to the community within 6- 12 months.Please join us in the Village Hall on Thursday 28th of November at 7pm. Enjoy a glass of mulled wine, a mince pie, and share your ideas and have your say on the old school site. Should you wish to donate to the project, we can accept payment via the following methodsBAC’S – Llanigon Community Council Acc no.- 52583961 Sort Code - 53-50-31GoFundMe – The Llanigon Rainbow Project, Save Our GreenspaceWe look forward to seeing you there, however if you are unable to make it but wish to share your thoughts on the project, please email us on Llanigonrainbow@gmail.comBest regards,Llanigon Community Council
LLANIGON COMMUNITY COUNCIL LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT, 1972 (SEC. 87(2)) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a casual vacancy is deemed to have occurred in the office of Councillor for the GWERNYFED Ward of the Community of LLANIGON on the resignation on 10th September 2024 of Councillor Mark Ledger Rule 5 of The Local Elections (Parishes and Communities) Rules 2006, provides that on a casual vacancy occurring in the office of councillor of a community, an election to fill the vacancy shall be held if, within fourteen days (computed as stated below) after public notice of the vacancy has been given in accordance with Section 87(2) of the Local Government Act, 1972, notice in writing of a request for such an election has been given to the proper officer of the council of the county within which the community is situate signed by TEN electors for the electoral area. The Proper Officer is the Deputy Returning Officer, Powys County Council, County Hall, Llandrindod Wells, Powys, LD1 5LG. Dated this 28th day of October 2024 R Vaughan Clerk to the Council In computing any period of time for the purposes of this notice a Saturday, Sunday, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Good Friday or a Bank Holiday or day appointed for public thanksgiving or mourning, shall be disregarded.
0 Llanigon CC Meeting Monday 9th September 2024 7pm in Village Hall
Monday 2nd Sept 2024 7pm Llanigon Village Hall LLANIGON COMMUNITY COUNCIL EXTRAORDINARY MEETING Monday 2nd September 2024 7pm Llanigon Village Hall Agenda Welcome & Apologies Declarations of Interest Llanigon School Site Appointment of a Member of the Community Council to serve on the Lewis Watkins Trust
LLANIGON COMMUNITY COUNCIL Local Government (Wales) Measure 2011, Section 116 Notice of Co-Option NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the LLANIGON Community Council intends to Co-opt one member to fill the vacancy that exist in the office of Councillor for the GWERNYFED Community (Ward). Expressions of interest are being sought from members of the public who meet the following qualifications and are interested in representing their community on the aforementioned Community Council. You must be a British citizen, an eligible Commonwealth citizen, a citizen of any member state of the European Union citizen or a qualifying foreign citizen and not require leave to enter or remain in the United Kingdom or have indefinite leave to remain. You must be 18 years of age or over; and meet at least one of the following criteria: registered as a local government elector for the area named above; or during the whole of the last 12 months occupied as owner or tenant land or other premises in the community named above; or your principal or only place of work during the last 12 months has been in the community named above; or you have during the whole of the last 12 months resided in the Community or within 4.8 kilometres of it.[1] If you wish to be considered for co-option for the vacant seat or want more information regarding the role of a Community Councillor please contact the Proper Officer, Clerk to the Community Council on email: llanigoncc@hotmail.co.uk or by Tel: 01497 847239 or by post: The Clerk Llanigon Community Council, Lower Maestorglwydd, Llanigon, Hay-on-Wye, Hereford HR3 5QH by (deadline) 30th June 2024 Dated this day of 20th May 2024 CYNGOR TREF/CYMUNED LLANIGON Mesur Llywodraeth Leol (Cymru) 2011, Adran 116 Hysbysiad o Gyfethol RHODDIR HYSBYSIAD TRWY HYN fod Cyngor Cymuned LLANIGON yn bwriadu Cyfethol un aelod i lenwi’r lle(oedd) gwag sydd ar gael ar gyfer Cynghorydd/Cynghorwyr yng Nghymuned (Ward) GWERNYFED Rydym yn gwahodd datganiadau o ddiddordeb gan aelodau’r cyhoedd sy’n diwallu’r cymwysterau canlynol ac â diddordeb mewn cynrychioli eu cymuned ar y Cyngor Cymuned uchod. Rhaid i chi fod yn Ddinesydd Prydain, yn ddinesydd cymwys o’r Gymanwlad, yn ddinesydd unrhyw Aelod-wladwriaeth o’r Undeb Ewropeaidd, neu’n ddinesydd tramor cymwys heb fod angen caniatâd i gyrraedd neu aros yn y Deyrnas Unedig neu â chaniatâd amhenodol i aros. Rhaid i chi fod yn 18 oed neu’n hŷn, ac yn ateb o leiaf un o’r meini prawf canlynol: wedi’ch cofrestru fel etholwr llywodraeth leol ar gyfer yr ardal a enwir uchod; neu yn ystod y cyfan o’r 12 mis diwethaf, wedi bod yn berchennog neu’n denant tir neu safle arall yn y gymuned a enwir uchod; neu wedi bod â’ch prif neu’ch unig weithle yn ystod y 12 mis diwethaf yn y gymuned a enwir uchod; neu rydych wedi byw yn y Gymuned, neu o fewn 4.8 cilometr ohoni yn ystod y cyfan o’r 12 mis diwethaf.[2] Os ydych yn dymuno cael eich ystyried i gael eich cyfethol ar gyfer y sedd gwag, neu’n dymuno cael rhagor o wybodaeth ynghylch rôl Cynghorwyr Cymuned, cysylltwch â’r Swyddog Priodol, Clerc y Cyngor Cymuned ar ebost: llanigoncc@hotmail.co.uk/gan ffon: 01497 847239/ gan post: The Clerk Llanigon CC, Lower Maestorglwydd, Llanigon, Hay-on-Wye, Hereford HR3 5QH Gan 30th Mehefin 2024 Dyddiedig y ugeinfed dydd hwn o Mai 2024 [1] Certain people are disqualified from standing, and these include paid officers of the community council, anyone subject to bankruptcy restriction orders and those subject to recent sentences of imprisonment. [2] Mae rhai pobl penodol wedi’u hanghymhwyso rhag ymgeisio, yn eu plith swyddogion cyflogedig y Cyngor, unrhyw un sy’n destun gorchmynion cyfyngu methdalwyr a’r rheiny sy’n destun dedfrydau o garchar yn ddiweddar.
LLANIGON COMMUNITY COUNCIL LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT, 1972 (SEC. 87(2)) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a casual vacancy is deemed to have occurred in the office of Councillor for the GWERNYFED Ward of the Community of LLANIGON on the resignation on 20th May 2024 of Councillor Janette Hill Rule 5 of The Local Elections (Parishes and Communities) Rules 2006, provides that on a casual vacancy occurring in the office of councillor of a community, an election to fill the vacancy shall be held if, within fourteen days (computed as stated below) after public notice of the vacancy has been given in accordance with Section 87(2) of the Local Government Act, 1972, notice in writing of a request for such an election has been given to the proper officer of the council of the county within which the community is situate signed by TEN electors for the electoral area. The Proper Officer is the Deputy Returning Officer, Powys County Council, County Hall, Llandrindod Wells, Powys, LD1 5LG. Dated this 20th day of May 2024 Clerk to the Council R Vaughan In computing any period of time for the purposes of this notice a Saturday, Sunday, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Good Friday or a Bank Holiday or day appointed for public thanksgiving or mourning, shall be disregarded. CYNGOR CYMUNED LLANIGON DEDDF LLYWODRAETH LEOL, 1972 (ADRAN, 87(2)) RHODDIR RHYBUDD TRWY HYN bod swydd wag achlysurol wedi ymddangos fel Cynghorydd ar gyfer Ward GWERNYFED o Gymuned LLANIGON yn dilyn ymddiswyddiad y Cynghorydd J Hill ar ugeinfed Mai 2024 Mae Rheol 5 Rheolau Etholiadau Lleol (Plwyfi a Chymunedau) 2006, yn dweud pan fo swydd achlysurol yn dod yn wag fel cynghorydd cymuned, cynhelir etholiad i lenwi’r swydd os, o fewn pedwar diwrnod ar ddeg (a gyfrifwyd fel a nodwyd isod) wedi i rybudd cyhoeddus ynglyn â‘r swydd wag gael ei roi yn unol ag adran 87(2) Deddf Llywodraeth Leol, 1972, bydd rhybudd ysgrifenedig o gais am etholiad o’r fath wedi ei roi i swyddog priodol cyngor y sir y lleolir y gymuned o’i fewn gan DDEG o’r etholwyr ar gyfer yr ardal etholaethol. Y swyddog priodol yw Dirprwy Swyddog Canlynol, Neuadd y Sir, Cyngor Sir Powys, LD1 5LG. Dyddiedig y ugeinfed dydd hwn o Mai 2024 Clerc y Cyngor - R Vaughan Wrth gyfrifo unrhyw gyfnod o amser i bwrpas y rhybudd hwn diystyrir dydd Sadwrn, dydd Sul, Noswyl Nadolig, Dydd Nadolig, Gwener y Groglith neu wyl banc neu dydd a benodwyd ar gyfer diolchgarwch neu alar cyhoeddus.